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We will assist you ...

as an external data protection officer.

in implementing the GDPR.
We offer

by conducting GDPR audits.

in preparing data protection contracts:

as a consultant for projects in the field of

Our Clients


Industry and Production

Tax consulting and auditing

Hospitals and administration


Our data protection training


We are …

... a well-coordinated team.

... on point.

friendly and customer-oriented.

... professional and competent.

... always up-to-date.

For our clients
We develop and design solutions for operational data protection. We focus on the legally compliant, actual and workable implementation of requirements within your company. Kaschae was founded at the end of 2017 - six months before the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) took effect - to support companies in the implementation of data protection in everyday operations.
The name „Kaschae“
is an anagram of the pronunciation of the French word "le cache", which in common parlance means "cover" or "protective paper". We consider protecting our customers from liability in data protection as our primary task. In IT jargon, "cache" stands for "secure" and "fast" data access. At Kaschae both are essential guiding principles of our work. The French term "le cachet" (seal of quality) is also incorporated into our company name. In English, "a certain cachet" implies "a certain reputation". Both interpretations underline the quality standards we maintain in our work.
Kaschae offers its clients
advice on preventive operational data protection with legal, IT- and process-oriented expertise. Our clients are national and international, usually medium-sized companies, tax consulting and auditing firms as well as public law organizations.